首页 / 文章详情




 1. Australia 澳大利亚

· Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA)


       This is the homepage of the Australian agency that evaluates, registers and regulates agricultural and veterinary chemicals.

· Environment Australia On-line


       This address links to the home page of the Commonwealth's Environment Programme.

· For Biocides: National Industrial Chemicals Notification andAssessment Scheme (NICNAS)


2. Belgium 比利时

· Fytoweb


       This page contains information about pesticide registration in Belgium and provides a tool to look up all registered pesticides in Belgium.

3. Canada 加拿大

· Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)


· International Activities: PMRA's participation in OECD Pesticide Projects


· Joint Review Series (scroll approximately. half way down)

· Re-evaluation Documents (REV Series)

· Re-evaluation Decision Documents (RRD Series)

· Special Review Announcements (SRA Series)

· Special Review Decisions

4. Denmark 丹麦

· Danish Environment Protection Agency

       (Home Page -https://mst.dk/)

       You can click on the following links to write to contact persons:

          for information on pesticides

          for information on pesticides for information on biological pesticides

5. Finland 芬兰

· Agricultural Research Centre of Finland


· Finnish Environment

· Finnish Forest Research Institute METLA

6. France 法国

· French Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs


· French Ministry of the Environment

· International Office for Water

7. Germany 德国

· Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (BMVEL)


· Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)


       The BVL is the competent authority for the authorisation of plant protection products, and the designated national authority for the EU review programme of active substances.

· Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA)

       (Home page in English)

       The BBA conducts research relating on plant health, on efficacy of plant protection products, and on side effects of the use of PPP's.

8. Greece 希腊

· Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food


       Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works

· You can click on the following link to write to the contact person: for information on pesticides.

9. Hungary 匈牙利

· Ministry of Agriculture


10. Ireland 爱尔兰

· Pesticide Control Service


11. Japan 日本

· Agricultural Chemicals Inspection Station


12. The Netherlands 荷兰

· RIVM, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment


13. New Zealand 新西兰

· ACVM (Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines) Group, part of the Food Safety Authority


14. Norway 挪威

· Norwegian Food Safety Authority


15.Sweden 瑞典

· National Chemicals Inspectorate (KemI)


16. Switzerland 瑞士

       Swiss registration authority for plant protection products


        (Section Plant Protection Products) at the Federal Office for Agriculture.

       Although other institutions are involved in the evaluation of the safety of pesticides (health effects, environmental effects) the Federal Office for Agriculture (Section Plant Protection Products) is the competent authority for the authorizations of plant protection products.

· Research Station Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape

· Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. The SFOPH is involved in theauthorisation process for agriculture pesticides as well as biocides and isresponsible for the evaluation of its health effects.

17. United Kingdom 英国

· Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD)


       (for agricultural pesticides)

· The Foodand Environment Research Agency (Fera) including some informationon pesticide usage.

· Health and Safety Executive (HSE) (for non agricultural pesticides)

18. United States 美国

· EPA Officeof Pesticide Programs (OPP)


· EPA Office of Pesticide Programs - International Activities

· EPA Office of Pesticide Programs - Biopesticides

· EPA general

· Pesticide Management Resource Guide (PMReG)

· National Pesticide Information Center


 European Commission 欧洲委员会

· The European Commission Homepage


       The DG “Agriculture” Homepage


· The DG “Environment” Homepage


             The DG “Environment” Pesticides Homepage


            The DG “Environment” Biocides Homepage


            The “European Chemicals Bureau” Biocides Homepage


· The DG SANCO (Consumer Policy and Consumer Health Protection) Homepage


 International Organisations 国际组织

       FAO 联合国粮农组织

· Pest and Pesticide Management Activities


· Obsolete pesticides Programme

       INECE 环境合规与执法国际网络-农药论坛

· International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) Pesticides Forum


       WHO 世界卫生组织

· WHOPES (WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme)-Division of Control of Tropical Diseases


·  IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety) Home Page



· UNEP Chemicals


       The home pages describe UNEP-Chemicals mandates, major activities and functionsthat ensure the sound management of toxic chemicals and waste. Users will gain access to products and management related publications especially on POPs, PIC,GEF projects and Chemicals safety and management.

· Prior Informed Consent (PIC) and the London Guidelines


       The home pages contain reports and documents related to the FAO/UNEP mandate toimplement the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure; the on-going negotiations to develop a legally binding instrument on PIC procedure, It also contains alist of chemicals and pesticides subject to PIC.

· Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPS)


       The home pages inform users on issues and the progress made by countries and international organisations to initiate action to reduce or eliminate emissionsand discharges of persistent organic pollutants (POPS). Users can also learn more about the recommendations which may lead to the development of a legally binding instrument on POPs.

· Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)


       The home pages describe the collaboration and activities of the international,national and NGO organisations on the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register and the benefits and use of the PRTR systems to track emissions and waste transfers to better achieve the sound management of chemicals. PRTRs are based on the principle of Community-right-to-know.

Other Organisations 其它组织

CropLife International [formerly knownas Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF)]


CropLife America

 International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA)


Pesticide Action Network International (PAN)


Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA)

Pesticide Action Network UK (PAN-UK)

Network for Chemicals (GINC)

The International HCH & Pesticides Association


National websites on pesticides - OECD


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