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PI Industries Ltd
  • 70******76哈里亚纳"I need 10 litres of biovita-X"
  • +2*********73埃塞俄比亚"Dear Sir/Madam, We want to register agro chemical..."
    PI Industries Ltd (PI) was incorporated in 1947 with its registered office in the lake city of Udaipur, Rajasthan. PI is a BSE & NSE listed Company. PI has two business activities of :1. Agri Inputs offering plant protection products, and speciality plant nutrient products and solutions. 2. Custom Synthesis & Manufacturing for contract research and production of agro chemicals, intermediates and other niche fine chemicals for global innovators.  PI is a leading manufacturer exporter and one of the world’s largest producers of molecules like Ethion, Profenofos, Phorate, Iprobenfos Technical is currently exporting our products to over 25 countries across Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Latin America etc. More details about our company and our activities can be obtained from our website www.piindustries.com

    地址:5th floor, Vipul Square, B Block, Sushant Lok, Phase-1, Gurgaon – 122 009, INDIA
    电话:+91 124 6790000

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